
Tangua Haor, Sunamganj

Travel Tanguar Haor Sunamganj 

Sunamganj Tangua Haor is the name of a famous place in the tourism industry.

12 October Dhaka-Sylhet Suburbs [Nightingale in Sylhet on October 12, 13]

14th October E Block Point - (by CNG) Kumaragarh Bus Stand - Sunamganj New Bus Stand - Tahirpur Bazar
  1.  The watch tower in the afternoon,
  2.  Anchor to techargate
  3.  Keep the boat floating in the haor

 15th October
  1. Niladri Lake
  2. Bike by Barka Tila
  3. Jadukata River
  4. Rajaychara
  5. Lankchhara

Two routes to reach Sunamganj

 1. Sunamganj from Dhaka or anywhere.
 2. Sylhet to Sunamganj.

Our route was Dhaka-Sylhet-Sunamganj.

If you want to get directly from Dhaka to Sunamganj bus from Saidabad Shyamoli, Hanif, Saudia will be cut off any bus ticket.

The cost will be 570 taka (I can not write because I do not know the bus route and rent to reach Sunamganj from any city).

If you want to go to Sylhet - Sunamganj, then you have to reach the CNG
Kumarangaon bus stand.

CNG rental is different in place however, the reserve can accommodate up to 5 people and no more than 300 rents are available from anywhere.

Our route was Sylhet Upashahar - Kumargaon Bus Stand CNG (Tk.220).

From there, Sunamganj's direct gatelocked bus service is there.

Tickets will be 100 taka per person.
Sunamganj new bus stand will get the bus down.

If you want to spend the night here, there is the SSS Guest House. Mobile No. 01714-627856 Moin Bhai. Room rent from 600 to 1200 taka.

Tahirpur route

Tahrpur Bazar will take direct CNG from Sunamganj where the bus will get settled down.

The reserve is always 500 taka if you are a good photographer then do not use bike.

Before going to CNG, take the old bus stand.  There is a return ticket from here. 

There are no counters on the new bus stand. Believe! To go to Tahirpur, you will feel that your money is useless!

 Tahirpur Bazar - Tangarah Howrah after you get here, you have five jobs

  1. Fix boat
  2.  To enter the name of the police station, it takes 100 taka.  For the security, the woman will go to the police station
  3. Market.
  4. Rent a life jacket with a medium. If he himself will rent 70 taka, he will take 50 taka for the money. 
  5. If there is no solar panel in the boat, then rent the IPS [If there is a battery + panel in the boat, the machine will only charge 100 taka.  Besides, 400-500 taka will be rented machine with batteries]

 As soon as Tahirpur goes to the market, many people will tell you to like the boat.

We took a medium size boat

  1. Staying the night of 1: 14 and floating Tahirpur at 15 noon.
  2. They will cook dinner and morning snacks.

 In this agreement 3800 taka boat rental.
 If you want to go to the boat, before leaving the boat.

 You have to market in the Tahirpur market.
 We were 9 people, including two people, 11 people.

Our Market List 

  • 2 kg rice rice
  •  1 kg of polao rice
  •  3 kg (2) chicken 
  • 2.5 liters kerosene
  • 1/2 liters of soyabean
  • A little ginger - garlic - green chillies
  • 10 eggs
  •  Onion by 1/2 kg, potatoes
  •  Wondime Glass and Plate
  • 1 Hali Lemon 
Total 1600 taka went.

  •  Chicken broth in the night, white rice
  •  In the morning, the dough, potato, eggshell

At the end of the lunch we went to Tangua's intention

Watch Tower

 Watch tower it will get a lot of nights view from above.

Here you can take a bath mainly but with life jackets. 

Even swimming can not go far enough.  Because, after a few seconds, there will be a hole in which the soil can not be found.

The specialty here is that you can eat tea with a bath.

 Sell ​​tea in floating boat, 10 taka cup
 you will find many kids around you who want to turn you on boat.

They will get in the boat, they will not want to give you the money they want.

At the time of bathing, all your wallet and your wallet will explain it to the public.

Tekerghat and Howrah Nightlife

 At the end of the bath we left for the Tekghat to leave the sun, and the dinner remained cooked.

 The sunlight from the trawl very beautiful!
 It took about one and a half hour to reach Techerghat!

You need to enter another entry here. Border police firing.

 The middle will take itself, no money here.
 I went to anchor boat and went with the mamma mama to the market.

Here the mama fixed the bike to show the spot in the morning the next morning.

Every bike is 250 taka  2 people can sit. 
Show all the spots -

Barka Tila
Junkooka river

We also agreed because, if there is no bike before 9am before it is said before.

As we watch sunrise on our target Barka Lake, we will be out at 5.30!

So book a bike beforehand biker rider Haroon Mama and the rest for the rest of the month, and Mama said, or we did not have to say for a second as long as we were.

While returning from the market tea-singers breakfast, Mama showed more places nearby.

Show Niladri of the night blue water in the border of the border looks awesome. 

When you go to the nearby hillside, Niladri's Joint with Haor, where there will be some kind of fierce romance in the horror of the water there!

After returning to the boat, I returned.  At the end of the dinner, the Boat was floated from Tekerghat, leaving the boat away.

What kind of joy and lost work will be to see the galaxy in the night sky!  If you do not have the space then you can not understand.

This is a different kind of amiability.  One of the addictions, the sky lying on the boat and the people in the nearby boat.

Together with the singing of Hassan Raja singing together! There is no risk in the haor.

 Just wanna sleep without thinking but you will miss the beauty of dawn from dawn to dawn.

A great feeling to see in the morning. We would not disappoint you that we were a moderate man, a mubarak mama, a noble man and manners.

And our life jacket, the IPS for charging mobile charges, the bike itself fixed the next day.

And when we bathe in the watch tower bathing in the evening, we are very tired of sleeping in the boat, and if I fall asleep in the boat, he himself tells us
 "Mama walks you out, do not see the blue band of night?"

Then he took care of our market by his own self, along with the different spots in the area, I could enjoy the Niladri of the night, how many stories were found!

If you go to his boat you will find another mate to talk about it openly.  But when they were called by the phone they always kept the rate of the rate.

Moreover, the toilet of his boat is very clean and elevated.

And you'll find a special type of blanket!
 Which can not understand with the degree of external weather going down below.

 15th October
 In the morning, the bikes kept with the news came in about 5.  When we climbed the blanket from the grave, the trembling condition was over!

 I could not understand the cold outside.  However, I left for 5:30.

Barka Teela road is great!  There is no language to describe.

From above, the feeling of sunrise is quite different!  The sun, above the Junketta river, the front Bangladesh, backward Meghalaya mountains of India.

 Standing here will want to sing in your heart
 "Two maps have been pronounced in two countries, the variance of feelings".

 There are border pillars here. When you ask your rider, it will show. Pillar is the beauty behind your eyes!

 The time of returning from Barika Tila will be Rajaychara.  There is no flow of water without rain, so do not let the tourists come face to face with BGB.

 Then comes Lukmachara.  Here you will feel like a bishankandi!  Two sides of the two sides, the bridge between Bangladesh India Border!

 But because of taking the stones here, it becomes so bad.

Go very carefully.  Because, sometimes you're thirsty.

 When I tried for about 25 minutes, I took the position and took the picture. 

Just then the BSF started running down from the Indian Border and I was running along with everyone who was scared for fear.

I am sorry to miss the shot, I am afraid to enter my own area.

From here, there is an amazing view of Niladri and sky clouds.

From here we can go back to the boat and make breakfast in the boat, reaching Tahirpur within 1 hour, the old bus stand from there, then Shyamoli bus in Dhaka!

Read more in Bengali: place tanguar-haor

Expense List

 The cost of the tour depends on how many people are going.  The more people spend the less money.  So the total cost will be based on the amount spent on the total cost.

  •  Any place to Sunamanganj: On the bus (go + back): 1040 / = (everybody)
  •  Sunamganj to hahirpur bazar: CNG every 200 / = (go + back) 
  • Tahirpur bazar Thana name entry: 100 / = (Total)
  •  Lifejacket at value: 50 / = (everybody)
  •  IPS Ware: 100 / = (Total)
  •  Boat Rentals: 3800 / = (Total)
  •  Bike Rent: 125 / = [Feedback] 
  • If you want to stay in Sunamganj, guest house rent 600-1200 (total)
  • Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner - Extra Extra 1000 / Accessories

Whatever it may look like 

  1.  Must be a multiplug sure
  2. The winter is coming in front of the day, due to high dust in the street should be taken to the mask.
  3. Many times breathing in the dust of the dust. 
  4. If there are devices, polythene / waterproof cover mast! When can it be said that the rain falls? 
  5. There is no need for your power bank or device's extra battery gear in this tour. If there is no IPS in the boat, you can anchor the boats at Tekghat and pay the mobile charge in the next market as long as you want.  When the charge is charged, you will take some money, but 30 taka more.
  6. Saline, paracetamol, oyiprajal, one time bandage. Can keep up with while bathing in the haor in a number of areas, sharp junk can be cut off in the leg, and in the voice of CNG, you can catch your headache.
  7. As soon as the Sunamganj reaches the new bus stand, some brokers will come and show you another route, say, at such a road, the boat fares will fall short.  Do not worry about them at all.  Continue the tour according to how you plan your trip!
  8.  Keep your own device / wallet / mobile self-service in the tour.  Especially the wallet is not good enough to separate from the pocket.
  9.  On the other side of the boat, there is a fairly good bottom under the window, where the mobile can be dropped down and the water can be wasted!  So be careful!
  10. Sandals more prefabable than cadders in this tour
  11. Carry out fewer ingredients in the bag as fast as possible

This was the description! Come on! The place is very beautiful, very much like. On the way, the money will be easy!

Important: And do not harm your environment by putting the unintelligent objects used in the water.  We have the responsibility to preserve the nature of nature and we must take responsibility for it.